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More Food Aggression..

748 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by  Turtle11 
I would try feeding him in different areas, so that he doesn't associate one particular spot with the food bowl.

It also may help to have both dogs do sits and stays next to each other in a neutral area like outside and feed both of them treats. One treat for Huck, then one treat for Pax and so on. I would do this in short sessions once of twice a day until you notice the problem has subsided.

Also try giving Pax a treat any time he sees Huck. This will cause him to associate Huck with him getting yummy food instead of him being fearful that Huck is there to take his food.

Good luck!!
This is good advice. I suggest this too.

Yes, when Pax is eating out of his bowl, if you use a clicker, click and treat Pax when Huck is close. Work on it slowly over many days, so Huck can get gradually closer to Pax while clicking and treating Pax.
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